Disgraced former court-appointed guardian Rebecca Fierle

Look back exactly one year; #Free Britney Rally

September 5, 2020 // 0 Comments

    From September 5, 2019–one year ago to the day Not much has happened or changed since then except that the Hospital has been let off the hook for now and Fierle’s trial is indefinitely postponed. Spectrum News, Orlando FL   ORLANDO, Fla.  — As state investigators focus their attention on embattled professional guardian Rebecca Fierle, advocates warn people to be aware of the larger widespread issues plaguing Florida’s guardianship programs. Advocates say the problems [- more...]

Florida’s Apex Probate Predator

May 24, 2020 // 0 Comments

  Rebecca Fierle— Florida’s Apex Probate Predator This is a story which broke in the Florida press in spring 2019 about a woman who became notorious and reviled all over Florida for being the #1 apex predator in Florida’s broken probate court system. But—one has to admit begrudgingly- she was also a true evil genius and an top-level expert at manipulating and maximizing her theft of private assets as well as massive amounts of government money via outright theft, extortion, [- more...]

The difference between you/us and them

May 19, 2020 // 0 Comments

The difference between you/us and them I spend a lot of time talking to victims of probate abuse from all around the country. My heart goes out to them for the suffering they endure as a result of trying to do what they think is the right thing for an elderly parent. As is so often the case, the people I speak to have been attacked, maligned, excoriated, fined, sanctioned and generally worked over in probate hearings and litigation. By the time they reach out to someone like me, they have been [- more...]