What do you mean by abuse?

April 2, 2015 // 0 Comments

Probate abuse takes a number of forms. The original sin of probate abuse is to claim that an individual who does not need probate protection is incapacitated in some way. Once that request is in front of the judge along with the hysterical pleadings of a hired gun lawyer that there’s danger of an imminent nature to the Ward, the system is designed to nearly guarantee that he emergency measures including an emergency temporary guardianship will ensue and that he perfunctory examinations by [- more...]

How To Avoid Being Abused by A Guardian

April 2, 2015 // 0 Comments

The absolute power of guardians protected by third buddies in the judiciary and the hired guns who protect them seems unassailable. If judges actually did their job disciplining guardians who abuse and exploit their wards, the answer would be you could avoid being abused by a guardian by reporting them to the judge and expecting the judge to discipline them. We are not aware of a single instance of this ever happening. Florida statutes currently nominate the Dept. of children and families [- more...]

What To Do If You See Abuse or Are Abused

April 2, 2015 // 0 Comments

If your family becomes entangled in a contested Guardianship, you will be challenged in many ways. One particularly difficult challenge is the blizzard of documents generated by the Probate Court process, often referred to as “papering” or “litigation by the pound.” Every one of these documents is evidentiary and it is crucial to retain them and file them away for future easy access. No lay person is prepared for this amount of document preservation, yet if you lose track of [- more...]
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