New Mexico: Court administrator admits “We have no records showing the exact number of wards under guardianship in NM”

New Mexico's Administrative Office of the Courts New Mexico's Administrative Office of the Courts

We were shocked, but ultimately not surprised, to find Barry Massey, Communications Officer for New Mexico’s Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) admit, in writing,

We have no records showing the “exact number of wards under guardianship in NM” because it is uncertain how many of the total case filings remain active and require judicial monitoring

Please see these two PDFs (below) which explain how instead of answering the question about how many wards have been created by judges in the State of New Mexico, Massey instead sends us records from a secret court case management system – Odessey, available only to judges, attorneys and the media

The 2nd document – completely unsupported other than having faith and taking Barry Massey at his word — shows that there have been over 24,000 guardianship cases since 1900.  The fact that the New Mexico Judiciary has NO MEANS TO ACCOUNT for the current disposition of the over 24,000 poor souls who were conscripted into guardianship since 1900 by Judges across New Mexico is utterly appalling – but there you have it: total denial of an entire group’s Civil, Constitutional, and Human Rights by the Courts of New Mexico,  overseen by Judges, 100% of whom are attorneys that have sworn to uphold the laws.  Instead, in New Mexico, as in virtually all the other 49 states, the Judges are the ones who violate the laws governing guardianship with impunity, and the attorneys who ‘practice’ law in the courts follow the judges’ lead. To do otherwise would be career suicide for the attorneys.