Comedy? Guardianship corruption covered by John Oliver in Last Week Tonight

John Oliver, host of HBO's Last Week Tonight, hosts a review of Guardianship, first aired on June 3, 2018 John Oliver, host of HBO's Last Week Tonight, hosts a review of Guardianship, first aired on June 3, 2018

Most who have been put through the wringer of guardianship will not find this comedy sketch much to laugh about, but John Oliver has helped all of us advocating for guardianship reform achieve a valuable goal: making 7 Million viewers, overnight & primarily under the age of 50, aware of the abuses occurring daily under guardianship in the US.

If past episodes of Last Week Tonight are any indication, John Oliver may return to the topic of guardianship and delve into it as a continuing, on-going expose, because after all, if he and his writers need any material for upcoming Last Week Tonight coverage, at AAAPG we could fill up a year’s worth of episodes with TRUE STORIES of guardians’ horrific abuse of their Wards, all stamped & approved by Judges, who, unlike in Texas’ 254 counties, are lawyers, and act within State District Courts to strip their Wards of all their money, their property, and eventually in 99% of the cases, their lives.

John Oliver & Last Week Tonight’s writers and producersIF you are listening – and we hope you are – contact the webmaster here at and we’ll set you up for with enough ‘comedy’ material on guardianship for the rest of your careers!

WARNING: vulgar language and profanity are used through-out this 16 minute video clip.

Guardianship: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)