Judicial actions

Bizarre Judge in Florida Resigns

May 27, 2015 // 0 Comments

Judge Linda Schoonover displays overt signs of severe mental illness, she doesn’t do her job, she doesn’t show up to work, she abuses litigants, uses social media as a weapon and in general has a demeanor which is unquestionably inappropriate for any public official but in particular for a judge. And how was she forced out of office? self resignation!!! How is it possible that this type of behavior could be tolerated for months by the Florida State Supreme Court, by the Judicial [- more...]

White paper: The Duplicity of Bar Associations

May 18, 2015 // 0 Comments

If only the victims in guardianship had a tiny fraction of the due process that judges and lawyers enjoy, what a different world it would be. As our research has shown time and again, innocent individuals caught up in the flytrap of for-profit guardianship do not have the benefit of due process nor do they have the protection of the civil rights guaranteed to each of us by our Constitution. They are dead in the law and there is no one to protect them. Perhaps then we should all consider [- more...]

White paper: How it goes down in Texas

May 17, 2015 // 0 Comments

How many probate attorneys, including those in the REPTL (Real Estate Probate Trust Lawyers) Section of the State Bar of Texas, donate to election campaigns of legislators; How many to judges? While we do not know how many attorneys, or how much money is donated, we do know why. This white paper by AAAPG exposes the circle of probate judges, the lawyers who practice in front of probate courts, the creation of statutorily-mandated management trusts to hold the ward’s seized assets, and the [- more...]

White Paper: What the hell is incapacity anyway?

May 4, 2015 // 0 Comments

May 4, 2015 What the hell is incapacity anyway? “The typical Ward has fewer rights than the typical convicted felon. It is in one short sentence… The most punitive civil penalty that can be levied against an American citizen with the exception of the death penalty.” ~ The late US Representative Claude Pepper…. But when it comes to locking you down permanently in a life sentence of guardianship, the court has to at least go through the motions of proving (if only to itself) that [- more...]

Response to boutique trusts and estates law firm

April 28, 2015 // 0 Comments

Here is AAAPG’s response to attorney-at-law Juan C. Antúnez, writing in his firm’s Probate & Trust Litigation Blog, Must read for Florida guardianship lawyers: Sarasota Herald-Tribune’s special investigative series: “Elder guardianship: A well-oiled machine:   Under-funding is no excuse for cold judges, who are so disinterested or so lazy that they don’t even bother to read petitions. Under-funding is not an excuse for intentionally ignoring advance [- more...]

Press Release: AAAPG calls for National Mayday Protest Against Abusive Guardianship

April 28, 2015 // 0 Comments

April 28, 2015 Via PRWeb: AAAPG calls for National Mayday Protest Against Abusive Guardianship. Nationwide Virtual Flash mob to Demand Federal Probe.  On Friday May 1, 2015 at 11am EDT Americans Against Abusive Probate Guardianship (AAAPG) will conduct a virtual nationwide protest to demand federal intervention into abuses by court-appointed guardians that allow guardians to act without any effective judicial oversight. Occurring in conjunction, beginning at 9am EDT on May 1, 2015 the South [- more...]
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