Attorney turned probate Judge Kelly Cross

Texas: Houston federal judge allows state judge to be sued in guardianship negligence case

May 16, 2018 // 0 Comments

By David Yates | May 16, 2018, 1:34pm HOUSTON – Southern District Chief Justice Lee H. Rosenthal recently issued a landmark ruling allowing a wrongful death lawsuit against a Houston probate judge to proceed in an adult guardianship claim. Sherry Johnston sued Harris County Probate Judge Christine Butts in 2016, alleging that her elderly mother Willie Jo Mills suffered broken bones and a rapid, preventable decline, which contributed to malnutrition and death when Mills was a ward of the [- more...]

Federal suit follows Texas Judicial Council Admission of non-compliance by guardians of senior citizens

April 25, 2018 // 0 Comments

 SAN ANTONIO – A Manhattan woman who worked as an actress in an NBC TV pilot directed by Spike Lee and a Macy’s commercial last year has filed a breach of fiduciary duty lawsuit against her San Antonio-based mother over the alleged abuse of and isolation from her legally blind father who is a 22 year veteran of the U.S. Air Force and currently guardianized under a Bexar County court order. According to the lawsuit, filed by plaintiff Juliette Fairley in the Western District federal [- more...]